仿win7 aero_如何禁用Windows 7的Aero性能警告?
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仿win7 aero

仿win7 aero

You know your computer isn’t cutting edge, but there’s no need for Windows 7 to constantly remind you. Read on to see how you can disable its constant nagging to adjust your color scheme to improve performance.

您知道您的计算机不是最先进的,但是Windows 7不需要不断提醒您。 请继续阅读以了解如何禁用其恒定的拼写调整色彩方案以提高性能。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-drive grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的问答环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,它是Q&A网站的社区推动组织。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader William Stewart is sick of Windows 7 nagging him:

超级用户读者William Stewart厌倦了Windows 7的困扰:

Sometimes this dialog box will pop up (see screenshot above). Every time it appears I select “Keep the current color scheme, and don’t show this message again”. Windows then reminds me again — either the next day or after reboot, or sometimes another 5 minutes later

有时会弹出此对话框(请参见上面的屏幕截图)。 每次出现时,我都选择“保留当前的配色方案,并且不再显示此消息”。 然后,Windows再次提醒我-第二天或重新启动后,有时又是5分钟后

是否要更改配色方案以提高性能?(Do you want to change the color scheme to improve performance?)

Windows has detected your computer’s performance is slow. This could be because there are not enough resources to run the Windows Aero color scheme. To improve performance, try changing the color scheme to Windows 7 Basic. Any change you make will be in effect until the next time you log on to Windows

Windows已检测到您计算机的性能很慢。 这可能是因为没有足够的资源来运行Windows Aero配色方案。 为了提高性能,请尝试将配色方案更改为Windows 7 Basic。 您所做的任何更改将一直生效,直到您下次登录Windows。

  • Change the color scheme to Windows 7 Basic

    将配色方案更改为Windows 7 Basic

  • Keep the current color scheme, but ask me again if my computer continues to perform slowly


  • Keep the current color scheme, and don’t show this message again


Is there some reason why Windows is ignoring/forgetting my attempts to suppress the dialog? I’d love to never ever see it again, it’s annoying, and it alt-tabs me out of fullscreen applications.

Windows是否有某些原因会忽略/忘记我禁止显示对话框的尝试? 我希望再也看不到它了,这很烦人,而且它使我无法使用全屏应用程序。

If it matters, I’m running Windows 7 x64 Professional. I believe the dialog appears because I’m forcing Vsync and Triple Buffering for DirectX applications.

如果有问题,我正在运行Windows 7 x64 Professional。 我相信会出现该对话框,因为我正在为DirectX应用程序强制使用Vsync和Triple Buffering。

Clearly William needs a new plan of attack since Windows is ignoring his requests to remember his selection.


答案 (The Answers)

SuperUser contributor A Dwarf offers a quick and dirty solution for William’s problem:


Assuming you realize this message is informing you your system is low on resources and is asking you to disable Aero so it can keep performing at optimum speed,


  1. Go to the Start Menu and type Action Center on the Search box


  2. Start it (it should be the top entry, under the “Control Panel” group)

  3. On the left sidebar, click Change Action Center settings

    在左侧栏中,点击Change Action Center settings

  4. Untick the Windows Troubleshooting checkbox, under “Maintenance Messages”.

    取消勾选“维护消息”下的Windows Troubleshooting复选框。

  5. Click the Ok button and you are done.


Here is a screenshot of the setting screen:




  • You can try and keep this setting just as it is and switch to Basic desktop mode before launching the applications that usually fire up this Action Center notification. Or,

    您可以尝试保持此设置不变,并在启动通常会触发此Action Center通知的应用程序之前切换到基本桌面模式。 要么,
  • You can right click the icons you use to fire up these full screen applications, clicking properties and under the Compatibility tab tick Disable desktop composition. This will disable the Desktop Window Manager Session Manager service during execution of this application which will increase system and video memory and avoid some application incompatibilities. A likely cause for your Action Center message if you have enough system and video memory but are stuill getting this message with certain games or full screen applications.

    您可以右键单击用于启动这些全屏应用程序的图标,单击属性,然后在“兼容性”选项卡下勾选“ Disable desktop composition 。 这将在执行此应用程序期间禁用Desktop Window Manager会话管理器服务,这将增加系统和视频内存并避免某些应用程序不兼容。 如果您有足够的系统和视频内存,但是正在某些游戏或全屏应用程序中获取此消息,则可能是Action Center消息的原因。

Another contributor, Oliver Salzburg, delves into the Disable Desktop Composition solution A Dwarf highlights at the end. He writes:

另一个贡献者Oliver Salzburg深入研究了Dwarf最后强调的Disable Desktop Composition解决方案。 他写:

I’m constantly in a similar situation even though I never get that exact same message, and have done a bit of testing around.


To my understanding, the core resource that is under stress here, is the GPU memory. But this doesn’t necessarily indicate that you’re running out of this resource in general. It might just mean the Desktop Window Manager has detected that you’re running so low that one specific feature of this service could be disabled to free up more memory.

据我了解,这里面临的核心资源是GPU内存。 但这并不一定表明您通常会用尽该资源。 这可能只是意味着Desktop Window Manager已检测到您的运行速度太慢,因此可能会禁用此服务的一项特定功能以释放更多的内存。

To test this, I started opening up GPU memory intensive applications:


This is somewhat above average use on my triple-screen setup with a few key players running (Visual Studio 2012 (hardware acceleration enabled), PhpStorm, Aptana Studio, Chrome, Firefox, IE, …). So, yeah, if you only have a 1 GB card and this would be your usual usage scenario, you’d already have a problem.

这比我的三屏设置上的平均使用情况要高一些,运行着几个关键播放器(Visual Studio 2012(启用了硬件加速),PhpStorm,Aptana Studio,Chrome,Firefox,IE等)。 所以,是的,如果您只有一张1 GB的卡,这将是您通常的使用情况,那么您已经遇到了问题。

I had to push a bit further and start a couple more Visual Studio instances…

我不得不进一步推动并启动更多的Visual Studio实例…

…until it was nearing the 1.5 GB mark and…

…直到它接近1.5 GB标记,然后…

SNAP! This caused Windows to kill desktop compositing completely (and free up some precious resources).

快点! 这导致Windows完全终止了桌面合成(并释放了一些宝贵的资源)。

Now, when I’m already at a critical level, and I start an application that uses excessive amounts of GPU memory in fullscreen, I can even go beyond this critical limit. Here’s the result after running Black Mesa for a while on 2560×1440 at max details:

现在,当我已经处于临界水平,并且启动了一个在全屏模式下使用过多GPU内存的应用程序时,我什至可以超越这个临界极限。 这是在2560×1440上以最大详细信息运行Black Mesa一段时间后的结果:

So, two things can be deducted from this. While going over the 75% mark on the desktop can force Windows to disable desktop composition, when reaching the same limit in a fullscreen application (and, optionally exiting that application) desktop composition is not disabled. The second thing is, while you’re in your game, you can get the idea “Hey, I have enough resources to run this game, why don’t I have enough resources for the desktop?”. The reason is, both require memory at the same time.

因此,可以从中得出两点。 超过桌面上75%的标记可能会强制Windows禁用桌面合成,但在全屏应用程序中达到相同限制(并且可以选择退出该应用程序)时,不会禁用桌面合成。 第二件事是,当您在玩游戏时,可以得到这样的想法:“嘿,我有足够的资源来运行该游戏,为什么我没有足够的资源用于桌面?”。 原因是,两者都需要同时存储。

Windows might only be able to tell you about the memory situation after you exited the game. So, when I start another Visual Studio after exiting Black Mesa…

退出游戏后,Windows可能只能告诉您有关内存的情况。 因此,当我退出Black Mesa启动另一个Visual Studio时...

So, what can we do about this?


获得更多的GPU内存 (Get more GPU memory)

Sweet and simple.


禁用桌面合成(每个进程) (Disable Desktop Composition (per process))

As was already suggested, you can disable desktop composition for a single executable. This has the effect that desktop composition is temporarily disabled while the executable is being executed. This drastically reduced the overall memory consumption while the application is executed in my tests:

正如已经建议的那样,您可以为单个可执行文件禁用桌面合成。 这具有在执行可执行文件时临时禁用桌面合成的效果。 在我的测试中执行应用程序时,这大大减少了整体内存消耗:

The bounty notice mentions that this is undesirable, as this is potentially a lot of work.


禁用桌面合成(全局) (Disable Desktop Composition (globally))

I wouldn’t consider this a solution as desktop composition is usually desired. But this is where to disable it:

我不认为这是一个解决方案,因为通常需要桌面组合。 但这是禁用它的地方:

我只想摆脱烦人的消息! (I just want to get rid of the annoying message!)

Just because you remove the warning “Your battery is almost empty! You can only talk for 10 more minutes!” does not mean you can talk for longer than 10 minutes. In fact, your phone will most likely simply shut off and that’s it. Now how’s that for an improvement?

只是因为您删除了警告“您的电池快没电了! 您只能再通话10分钟! ”并不意味着您可以通话10分钟以上。 实际上,您的手机很可能只是关闭而已。 现在如何改进?

I never assumed the message can be turned off and I don’t see how that could be considered a benefit.


You might think you know better, but you don’t. If the system is telling you it’s running out of resources, it is.

您可能会认为自己知道得更多,但事实并非如此。 如果系统告诉您资源不足,那就可以了。

But it isn’t! I know!

但这不是! 我知道!

Ok, let’s assume Windows is just not smart enough to detect the special situation you’re in and the warning message is simply an annoying inconvenience. What now?

好的,假设Windows不够智能,无法检测到您所处的特殊情况,并且警告消息仅是令人讨厌的不便。 现在怎么办?

The thing is, me personally, I’m also affected by this and it’s annoying the hell out of me. Because I don’t even get that warning message. Windows simply switches my color profile and that’s it. And I like that actually.

问题是,就我个人而言,我也受此影响,这使我烦恼。 因为我什至没有收到警告消息。 Windows只需切换我的颜色配置文件即可。 我真的很喜欢。

When it happens I usually quickly run a script that calls


net stop uxsms & net start uxsms
net stop uxsms & net start uxsms

This restarts the Desktop Window Manager and brings me back to my composited desktop (and it frees up lots of resources in the process, yay).

这将重新启动Desktop Window Manager,并将我带回到复合桌面(是的,它释放了很多资源)。

Knowing this, you can also construct yourself a special gaming environment where you stop the service before starting the game to combat this whole behavior. However, this will cause identical behavior to disabling desktop composition for a single executable through the file properties.

知道了这一点,您还可以为自己构建一个特殊的游戏环境,在该环境中您可以在开始游戏之前停止该服务以打击整个行为。 但是,这将导致相同的行为,从而通过文件属性为单个可执行文件禁用桌面合成。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the .

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不对。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 查看。


仿win7 aero


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